The EO Gym
Client: Entrepreneuers Organization
Agency: United Partners
Role: Art Director
EO is the work behind the magic. It is where entrepreneurs go train to become successful. Signing up is not enough. Commitment is what yields results. Just like with a gym membership. The gym is the perfect metaphore and not just in regards to dusty memberships. Once members join and commit, a whole new world of possibilities opens up to them. The gym offers personal trainers who help members reach their individual fitness goals. EO has business coaches that help members work on skills that need improvement. The EO Gym is set to reach out to new as well as current members. This Toolkit contains 8 campaign visual assets in various formats to be used across multiple social media platforms.
Campaign Key Visual
“Events” Visual(Portait Format)
“Forum” Visual
“Leadership” Visual
“Chapter Events” Visual (Square Format)
“Learning” Visual
“Mentorship” Visual
“My EO” Visual